Alice's parents died in a car accident when she was a child, as a result, she moved from Kyoto to Tohoku to live with her Aunt and Uncle. Unfortunately, her Uncle makes it very clear that he doesn't feel like taking care of Alice should be his responsibility so she turns to books to escape his harsh criticism of her. One day Alice announces she'd like to go to High School, her Uncle is completely against this because it would cost him money, Alice finally gets fed up and decides that she needs to get out of her Uncles house and answers an ad to become a Geisha in Kyoto. The very next day an older gentleman arrives in a limo and whisks Alice back to Kyoto, only this isn't the Kyoto Alice knows and now she's stuck there with nowhere else to go. Alice has to find what she truly wants to find her place in this strange new Kyoto but that means Alice has to find herself.
I have to address the art in this first because it is absolutely stunning! Alice is absolutely adorable and the details on the Kimonos are beautiful!
I enjoyed each of the characters we meet in this first volume as well, especially Natsume and Hachisu because c'mon who doesn't like adorable animal sidekicks? I truly enjoyed Alice though, obviously because we both like to read but I like that she takes the whole finding herself thing seriously. I think especially in the last few years many of us have asked what we really want out of life and I think Alice's reaction was very realistic. Denial at first and then taking the question seriously and doing (or starting to do) some real soul searching to answer it.
And of course, who couldn't love an Isekai that drops you into a Japanese version of Alice in Wonderland? Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite books so I really love this unique twist on it!
Absolutely looking forward to the next volume!
Thank you to NetGalley and TokyoPop for the eArc!
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